社團法人台灣城市引力協會 CTC TW
社團法人台灣城市引力協會CITY to CITY TAIWAN(CTC TW),致力於推動以基督為中心的恩典福音運動。透過培育與陪伴植堂者,協助建立城市中以福音為中心,積極參與社會公義並慈惠事工的新教會,與現有教會與基督教機構連結,建立更多充滿福音的恩典城市。
City to City Taiwan (CTC TW) Association is devoted to the expansion of its Gospel Movement. The vision of this city-wide movement incorporates both the renewal of existing churches as well as the training of church planters to start Gospel-centered churches based upon the Biblical principles of Justice and Mercy, creating an expanding Faith ecosystem that changes the very fabric of a city as it experiences the grace of the Gospel.
跨越 KUA Global
跨越 KUA Global 是服事全球的宣教事工,跨越時區、語言、文化;跨越圍牆、生活、人心,以世界為禾場,成為只要有網路便能夠連結平安的全球性服務平台,傳遞神的話語甦醒人心,福音大能使人生命更新。
KUA Global is a global mission ministry that crosses time zones, locations, languages, cultures……. The world is our mission field for us to spread the Gospel to different ethnic groups around the world. Through the internet, we become a global ministry platform to help strengthen local churches and become partners with churches and organizations to preach the Word of God to transform people’s lives.
靈活關懷中心 SCC
靈活關懷中心 Soul Care Center 由資深的牧者輔導、專業的輔導專家和職涯顧問組成。提供婚姻、親子等關係協談、職場教練/生涯發展等輔導服務,幫助人們尋求內在的平靜及人生方向,逐步實現全人身心的健康。
Soul Care Center is composed of senior pastoral counselors, professional counseling psychologists, and career consultants. We provide marriage/couple, family, and personal counseling, Career, Leadership coaching etc. The team is dedicated to help people seek inner peace and gradually realize holistic well-being.
社團法人奇妙愛協會 AWA
社團法人奇妙愛協會 Amazing Women Academy (AWA)致力於提供女性自我學習,推動健康婚姻教育,家庭教育及舉辦有關子女教養,人際關係,夫妻關係,情緒管理,身心靈和諧的講座與活動,提供女性資源共享,經驗交流的社群平台,發起公益活動,贊助有需要之福利機構。
Amazing Women Academy(AWA)focuses on women’s self-growth, marital relationship, parenting and other related areas. The mission is to equip women to influence their families and transform their children and generations to come.